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9 Ways to Fight Anti-Black Racism In Fashion – Lux Second Chance

$ 13.50

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If you’re like us, you’re concerned about the racial injustice happening in the world. Fight racism with fashion! Find out how today, and let's change tomorrow:
If you’re like us, you’ve been reflecting, listening, and educating yourself on the current racial injustices in the world. This was sparked by the brutal murder of George Floyd in the United States and the associating protests that have happened as a result of that. We, as a world, have been made aware (again!) to the grim reality that still faces a large population of our world, simply based on the color of their skin. This MUST change and this must change now. Colonialism and its damaging effects have been a part of North American culture for over 400 years now. It affects every industry and every sector of our society. Nothing is free of the effects of racism still happening today, and the fashion industry is most definitely a part of that.

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