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Adventures in Building Useful Generative AI Applications: Can the

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We are living in a time of remarkable innovation in data and AI, particularly in Generative AI. A massive carnival of applications allows you to become Elvis, create stories or visual comics with you as the central character.

Build Your Generative AI Roadmap

Learn to Build an AI Strategy for Your Business

How a Quantitative Solutions Group/squad builds useful Data Apps in FS., Shaun Anderson posted on the topic

Shaun Anderson on LinkedIn: Want to build an Enterprise scale Chatbot with Generative AI Capabilities…

Generative AI in the Finance Function of the Future

Precision Forecasting: How Generative AI is Reinventing Financial Modeling in M&A

Precision Forecasting: How Generative AI is Reinventing Financial Modeling in M&A

Training Proprietary Large Language Models for Small Medium Business

Transformation and Actions in Apache Spark

🚀 Revolutionizing the Future: AutoGen - The Next Gen of LLM Applications! 🌟

Shaun Anderson on LinkedIn: #azureopenai #copilotstudio #msautogen #genai

Document Generative AI: the Power of Azure AI Document

Shaun Anderson on LinkedIn: #azureopenai #copilotstudio #msautogen #genai
