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Stephen Frank named new president of CLHIA

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Stephen Frank is the new president and chief executive officer of the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association. Frank, who until recently was the association’s senior vice-president of policy, replaces Frank Swedlove in the role. Frank joined the organization in 2010 after working in the banking sector. As for Swedlove, he has retired after 10 […]

Stephen Frank email address & phone number CLHIA President and CEO contact information - RocketReach

Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association - CLHIA

Stephen Frank email address & phone number Merative Vice President, Worldwide Sales, Social Program Management contact information - RocketReach

New initiative means generic drug costs will be slashed by up to 40%

Stephen Frank email address & phone number CLHIA President and CEO contact information - RocketReach

Implementation Advisory Group (IAG) for the National Strategy for Drugs for Rare Diseases

Stephen Frank - CLHIA

CLHIA: Government's pharmacare plan set to be more burdensome

FORUM Magazine - February 2021 by Advocis - Issuu

Insurers see leap in claims for mental health services amid pandemic strains - The Globe and Mail

Stephen Frank - CLHIA

Pharmacare not really the answer to lowering drug prices, say industry associations - The Hill Times

Get yer cowboy hats and boots ready, it's Stampede time! - The Hill Times